
$.couch is used to communicate with a CouchDB server, the server methods can be called directly without creating an instance. Typically all methods are passed an options object which defines a success callback which is called with the data returned from the http request to CouchDB, you can find the other settings that can be used in the options object from jQuery.ajax settings
  success: function (data) {
Outputs (for example):
  "pid" : "<0.11599.0>",
  "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)",
  "task" : "recipes",
  "type" : "Database Compaction"


You can obtain a list of active tasks by using the /_active_tasks URL. The result is a JSON array of the currently running tasks, with each task being described with a single object.


{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings
docs for /_active_tasks

Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance


{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings
docs for /_all_dbs

$.couch.config(options, section, option, value)
View and edit the CouchDB configuration, called with just the options parameter the entire config is returned, you can be more specific by passing the section and option parameters, if you specify a value that value will be stored in the configuration.


{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings
{String} section Optional the section of the config
{String} option Optional the particular config option
{String} value Optional value to be set
docs for /_config

Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information about the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing information about the server, including a welcome message and the version of the server.


{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings
docs for GET /

Authenticate against CouchDB, the options parameter is expected to have name and password fields.


{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings

Delete your current CouchDB user session


{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings

Fetch a new UUID


{Int} cacheNum Number of uuids to keep cached for future use
docs for /_uuids

$.couch.replicate(source, target, ajaxOptions, repOpts)
Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.


{String} source Path or url to source database
{String} target Path or url to target database
{ajaxSettings} ajaxOptions jQuery ajax settings
{Object} repOpts Additional replication options
docs for POST /_replicate

Returns the session information for the currently logged in user.


{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings

$.couch.signup(user_doc, password, options)
Create a new user on the CouchDB server, user_doc is an object with a name field and other information you want to store relating to that user, for example {"name": "daleharvey"}


{Object} user_doc Users details
{String} password Users password
{ajaxSettings} options jQuery ajax settings